Department of Prasuti Tantra & Stri Roga


  • To empower each and every students in various ayurvedic concepts in the field of prasootitantra and stree roga and to excel in this field.
  • To provide the best doctors to the society who are confident of handling any kind of problems related to prasooti tantra and stree roga


  • The department’s mission is to establish a Center of Excellence by training the next generation such that
  • They have a scientific understanding of various paricharyas so that they can propagate the same in the society.
  • To provide an environment for the all round development of the student in the field of Prasooti and Stree roga

Dr. Pranoosha Koti

Dr. Pranoosha Koti

Assistant Professor

Asst Professors / lecturers, Prasuti Tantra & Stree Roga


Phone: 8073534815


Dr.vasanthi Thondambatti

Dr.vasanthi Thondambatti

Associate professor

Associate professor, Prasuti Tantra & Stree Roga


Phone: 9490887152

Email: dr.

Dr. N Sudhaker

Dr. N Sudhaker


Prasuti Tantra & Stree Roga, Professors / Readers


Phone: 9866691084


Dr Pranoosha

Dr Pranoosha

Assistant Professor

Prasuti Tantra & Stree Roga


Phone: 8073534815


Dr Kaveri

Dr Kaveri

Asst Professors / lecturers, Prasuti Tantra & Stree Roga


More Details
Qualification : puc
Date of Appointment : 3/4/2021
Working Department : Samhita Siddanta
Designation : Attendent



The department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at RRAMCH, Humnabad was established in the year 2016 The department is driven by the mission to provide state of the art, affordable and holistic healthcare to all women beyond barriers and to excel in medical education and research.

Our Team

The department currently has six full time Faculty, two Senior Residents and Three junior residents (non-academic) for providing patient care services, academic teaching and conducting research.


Faculty – 6 Designation
Dr. N Sudhaker  Professor and Head
Dr Sharada G Professor
Dr Shreeja Associate Professor
Dr. Vasanthi T Associate Professor
Dr. Saritha Associate Professor
Dr. Rekha Assistant Professor
Dr. Kaveri Assistant Professor
Dr. Chandra rekha Assistant Professor
Senior Residents – 2
Dr Shivani Senior resident
Dr Rajyalaxmi Senior resident





In addition to catering to the patient care services, faculty members in the Dept. are dynamically involved in teaching and training of undergraduate medical students from 3rd year an Internee Students.

Faculty are involved in conducting innovative and interactive teaching learning sessions for undergraduate students in the form of students seminars, Quiz, integrated teaching, bedside teaching, tutorials, simulation, skill training using various manikins and models to engage students actively and to make the students competency based learners.
Faculty are encouraged to attend conferences, present papers, CMEs, webinars and panel discussions.
Undergraduate students are encouraged to participate in poster preparation, Quiz competition and health talks as a part of Dept. co-curricular activities such as Gynecological cancer awareness month, menstrual hygiene programs etc.,



The Dept. is equipped with state of the art equipment’s such as USG machines, colposcopes, cryotherapy unit, harmonic scalpel, Electrosurgical unit with vessel sealer, electrocautery unit, LEEP, CTG machines, infusion pumps, electrical operated delivery beds, electrohydraulic OT tables, various sets such as Caesarean sets, vaginal Delivery and instrumental delivery sets, D & C sets , sterilization sets , HSG sets, hysterectomy sets, laparotomy sets, microsurgical instrument sets, multipara monitors, patient warming systems and MTP suction machines for providing patient care services.
The Dept. has a library, museum and a dedicated simulation and skill lab for undergraduate teaching -learning activities.

High Fidelity type Advanced interactive birthing simulator 1
Simulators-mannequin-type simulators -13 · Obs exam model-2

· Gyne exam model – 2

· Uterus anatomy model – 2

· D& C model- 1

· Normal labour – 2

· Twin labour -1

· Adult CPR resuscitation manikin -1

· Neonate manikin- 2

Dummy type -9 · Fetal skull with Maternal pelvis – 3

· IUCD insertion models- 4

· Episiotomy suturing model -1

· Cervical dilatation and effacement model- 1

Other educational resources · Charts / diagrams – Maternal pelvis, normal and abnormal labour, CTG, NST, Partogram – 40

· HSG films- 6

· USG images – 10

· Obs gyne specimens- 10

· Instruments -30

· Contraceptives


Demo Images