Department of Swasthavritta & Yoga

  • Swasthavrittha department advocates the health and wellness concept in Ayurveda and Yoga. The physical, mental and spiritual dimensions of health are dealt with comprehensively .Life style management and dietetics are part of this branch of Ayurveda.Naturopathy principles are also assimilated along with the time tested daily and seasonal regimen dictated in the classical texts of Ayurveda.
  • Towards wellness with fitness beyond illness


  • To develop Swasthavrittha department as a hub for health promotion and wellness incorporating the principles of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy

Departmental Initiatives

  • The curriculum includes community medicine topics, and public healthcare and various national health programmes as well as Dinacharya (daily regimen) and Ritucharya (seasonal regimen) and dietetics which are taught to the students.
  • Students learn and get knowledge regading swastha, swasthya, Swasthvritta, dinacharya, rathricharya, ritucharya, sadvritta. Concept of trayopastambha like ahara, nidra, brahmacharya and swastha, ashta nindita purusha and menstrual hygiene. Along with this introduction of yoga, panchakosha theory, astanga yoga, pranayama.
  • Department Also engages itself to different visits to Water treatment centre, visit to milk pasteurization centre, visit to Nearby PHCs, visit to Leprosy rehabilitation centre, visit Factory plant & visit to Yoga & Naturopathy Centre, Nature cure center. With this knowledge the Students are encouraged for practice of Swasthavritta with concepts of Preventive, promotive and Rehabilitative care & able to create awareness of increasing trends health & happiness in day today life

Facilities in the Department

  1. Swastharakshan OPD
  2. Pathya (diet) Therapy
  3. Therapeutic Yoga
  4. Naturopathic Techniques.
  5. Museum
  6. Departmental Library
  7. Yoga Demonstration Room
  8. Tutorial Room.


  • Understand and practice Yoga Naturopathy
  • Understand and practice principles of Ayurveda diet system.


Dr. Bhavya. B.K

Dr. Bhavya. B.K

Associate Professor

Dr. Channamma

Dr. Channamma

Asst. Professor



Yoga Teacher



More Details
Qualification 12th
Date of Appointment 12/2/2019
Working Department Rasa shastra evam Bhaishajya kalpana
Designation Musium Keeper